Roping Melanie
Roping Melanie
Roping Melanie
Roping Melanie
Roping Melanie
Roping Melanie
Roping Melanie
Roping Melanie
Roping Melanie
Roping Melanie
Roping Melanie
Roping Melanie


Roping Melanie

Billingsley Series - Book 5

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I didn’t have a lot, but what I had, I was proud of.

I was raised to keep my head down and work hard.

I followed the rules, rarely straying off the straight and narrow path.

That’s why when the opportunity to get wild and have a little fun presented itself, I jumped on it—or more like on him. The handsome cowboy from the bar.

It was one night in Vegas.

Afterward, all I had was the memory of his body pressed to mine and the hotel room key I swiped as I snuck out.

I never expected to see him again.

I definitely never imagined he’d show up in my small hometown seven years later, only to discover the daughter he never knew about.

TROPES: Single-mom, One-night Stand, Secret Baby/Child, Small Town, Cowboy

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